Posted on 1/9/2018

Winter car starting can be challenging on cold winter mornings. There are four reasons we believe why the cold weather makes it harder to start cars: 1. Batteries hate the cold Cold weather and car batteries do not mix, making winter car starting more difficult. Chemical batteries produce less current when it is cold — sometimes a lot less. At DJ Foreign Auto Care, we recommend changing it every three years, though you could get away with five years, depending on how much you drive and how you drive. Make sure the battery cables aren't disconnected. With your engine off, check if the cables can slip free from the nodes. Tightening the nut is an easy job and can save you from a mid-drive battery loss that would require you to get out of your car and take off your gloves. Check for corrosion. If there is a white powder around the nodes and/or clamps, it could be a sign of corrosion. If you can't get a new battery, we recommend cleaning the nodes and ... read more
Posted on 1/2/2018

The arrival of winter in Minnesota always stirs up a longing for adventure (or warmer destinations). After a few months cooped up inside and navigating icy roads, blue skies and sunny weather are reason enough to pack up your car and hit the road. However, your best planning will be ruined if you cannot rely on your car. A malfunction on your everyday commute is one thing, but could you imagine your car leaving you stranded miles outside your hometown? Car care is essential year-round, but especially before a road trip, so complete this road trip inspection before becoming a horror movie cliché. Neglecting to do a quick mechanical once-over (even on newer cars) before hitting the road is asking to be stranded. We are not talking about rebuilding the cylinder head or performing a line-bore on the crankshaft mains. We are merely stating a few reminders that may slip your mental checklist in a rush to get bags packed, and the children prepared. Fluids Fluids are ... read more
Posted on 2/9/2017

"Engine oil flush" or "Performance Oil Change" describes a process where a service technician adds chemicals to the oil so that built-up carbon deposits are cleaned out of narrow oil passages, valves and combustion chambers. The dirty oil and chemicals are then flushed out of the system and replaced with clean oil. Performing an engine oil flush is especially beneficial when large amounts of sludge and deposits build up in the oil system, which can clog oil passages and potentially lead to serious engine problems, when the many moving parts in the engine get gummed up. An engine oil flush can restore fuel efficiency and power to your engine, as well as save on wear and tear by keeping all the parts in your engine moving as they should. A performance oil change / engine oil flush service may be a good idea when there have been long intervals between oil changes, when you purchase an older vehicle and you don't know ... read more
Posted on 10/2/2014

BMW oil leaks from the engine area are a common problem that we see at DJ Foreign Auto Care. Since fluids in your BMW do not get used up or go anywhere (with the exception of gasoline and windshield washer fluid) if you notice that any are low, it is likely that there is a leak somewhere. If you notice your oil level is low when you check the oil, it is important to have a reputable BMW repair shop check for leaks right away. If all oil is lost, damage to the BMW engine will extensive and a new engine may even be needed. According to Autohausaz, engine oil is a "...honey or dark-colored, greasy fluid". Symptoms of leaking oil are a burning smell and/or signs of drips or wet spots under the engine or vehicle. Valve Cover Gasket Leak: Valve cover gasket leaks are a common BMW oil leak. Valve covers are located at the top of the engine and protect the ro ... read more