Posted on 6/22/2015

BMW water damage is a common problem that we see at DJ Foreign Auto Care. Water damage can occur when sunroof drains become clogged with debris, body seams between body panels lose their seal in locations such as the roof or trunk, door seals lose their seal, also water can splash up into the engine when the car is driven though a flooded area, especially at speeds above idle speed. Another problem that can contribute to BMW water damage is accidents. Some accidents result in the car's body and frame warping. If body work is performed, the body shop may shim parts to make them look right instead of straightening them (which may be impossible). This may leave a gap in the seals that is not visible, allowing BMW water damage to occur. Water leaks in cars can be very expensive to fix if the water leaks into the electrical system. This can result in short-circuits, damage to control modules and other damage that can be hard to find and repair. Many times the place where the water ent ... read more