Posted on 3/21/2018

WHAT IS A BLOWN HEAD GASKET? “Blown head gasket" can be one of the scariest phrases in car culture. At DJ Foreign Auto Care, we know this is true. Even non-car people know the term and know it can be an expensive fix. Let's talk about your conventional head gasket, how to tell if you blew a head gasket, and steps you can take to prevent a blown head gasket. A CLOSER LOOK AT HEAD GASKETS A head gasket is a seal placed between the surfaces of an engine block and the cylinder head(s). It has two purposes: A head gasket, being part of the combustion chamber, helps to contain the combustion process for you to have a functioning engine. The head gasket provides a physical extension of the fluid passages from head to block. The fluids ... read more
Posted on 3/13/2018

Pothole Damage Pothole damage is hard to avoid when potholes are popping up in the pavement faster than the early crocus flowers. Unfortunately, potholes are everywhere and avoiding all of them is impossible. Many potholes are created when constant freezing and thawing of water under the pavement weakens the road and causes large fissures. These fissures, when coupled with the pressure of vehicles driving over, eventually turn into potholes. Freezing winter weather can often lead to potholes, due to the role freezing can play in pothole formation. DJ Foreign Auto Care, which repairs many vehicles with pothole damage each spring, offers the following tips on avoiding potholes and fixing the pothole damage. Properly inflated tires hold up better against potholes than tires that have too much or too little air. If you can't avoid a pothole, try to slow down before you hit it. However, don’t brake directly over a pothole, this can lead to even ... read more